Macey’s upcoming audio fiction piece with GlitterShip Macey’s audio fiction “A Cradle of Vines” out with Cast of Wonders ‘Fan Is A Tool-Using Animal’ talk by Maciej Cegłowski The Harper Hall of Pern by Anne McCaffreyĪlice Isn’t Dead (presented by Welcome to Night Vale)

Person of Interest, aka “The husbands show” “Eat prey, love” by Freya Marske in Unnatural Order “ Birds Are Trying to Reinvent Your Heart ” by Jennifer Mace Yesterday Upon The Stair by PitViperOfDoom These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever Jade Lomax, and the twitter threadfic Still Waters aka Turtle Creek. This week we're talking about new technologies, platforms, and formats of storytelling! The tentpoles this week are the first episode of Campaign Skyjacks, the interactive fiction game Stay by E.